Face to Face and online therapy, Northumberland & Newcastle

Sometimes working through your problems on your own, or with those close to you, can only get you so far. Life is complex and confusing, and it can be difficult to find perspective on what has happened to you, change how you think and feel, or make new decisions for yourself going forward.

I wish I could make things better for you overnight, but I can't. What I can do is walk alongside you in your wilderness, and use my experience and training to help you find what you are looking for within yourself. With an integrative person centred therapy it is possible to work through your problems, and change how you experience yourself and others in the world.

Learn to trust your own inner wisdom for living, without the need to find your worth or value in someone or something else.


  • Introduction and initial consultation to identify your needs

  • Regular reviews of the direction of your therapy, with changes of focus as identified by you

  • Review at the end of therapy so you can reflect on what you have learned about yourself and what you may need for the future

Northumberland countryside


  • Develop your own inner wisdom for living, while working through the difficult and negative life experiences that have hidden or distorted it.

  • Learn to manage your symptoms of anxiety and depression when life feels stressful or overwhelming.

  • Grow a more integrated and independent sense of your Self when self worth and identity have been overly reliant on others.

  • Develop your awareness for change about repeating patterns of broken or unsatisfactory relationships.

  • Find your way through the wilderness of bereavement and loss, when life feels disorientating or without much hope.

  • Explore your sense of purpose and meaning when faced with significant life events and decisions.

  • Work through your experiences of trauma and abuse when feelings of shame or fear continue to impact and limit your life.



Book an initial consultation using the form on this website to decide if I am the right therapist for you.


An initial 50 minute consultation to identify your hopes for our work together.

Meet weekly either face to face or online and in a confidential setting.


  • “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”

    Brené Brown

Frequently Asked Questions

    • The initial consultation will last for up to 50 minutes, either in person or online.

    • The first part of the session will be an introduction to myself and the way I work, this usually takes about 10 minutes. After this, you decide if you would like to become my client. If you do, the session becomes chargeable at the usual rate. If you don't want to continue with therapy, there is no charge and the consultation ends.

    • If you decide to become my client and continue into therapy, I will also talk you through an informed consent form - a document you sign agreeing to enter into therapy. This will include information about fees, limits of confidentiality, cancellation and no show policies, and privacy information about how I hold any information I keep about you and the time limitations for holding this.

    • I will make an assessment of your therapy needs. This will include some questions about your medical, mental health, and family history, and time for you to share about what is troubling you, and why you are wanting out of therapy.

    • You are very welcome to ask any questions you may have at any point during the initial assessment.

    • Therapy is a weekly investment in your well-being. I usually suggest an initial 6 sessions, following the initial consultation, which can often help with symptoms of anxiety and depression. During the six sessions, or at the initial consultation, it may become apparent that longer-term work would be beneficial for deeper work on the root causes of your problems.

    • With longer-term work there will be regular reviews to check in with you about the direction and focus of your therapy, and when it is appropriate, to identify an end date.

    • Two weeks notice is required to end therapy. This is important, as it will give time to reflect on the journey of therapy, identify any support or resources you may need going forward, and end the therapeutic relationship properly.

    • Each face to face and online session is 50 minutes.

    • You can expect me to be authentic, empathetic, and non-judgemental. You can also expect me to be curious, and gently challenging when appropriate to help you unpack your story. People experience me as safe, honest, and insightful.

    • I tailor therapy for each individual, so your therapy will be unique to you - depending on what you bring to your sessions, and how you respond to various techniques.

    • The techniques I use include: talking therapy, guided imagery, dream work, empty chair work, and creative exercises.

    • I do not believe that traumatic/abusive experiences need to be relived (told in detail as if the experience was happening to you) during therapy to effectively treat trauma, and I will not ask you to do this.

    • There is always a possibility that past trauma can be unintentionally triggered during any therapy session, with any therapist, as you explore your story. If this happens with me I will work to stabilise you, and bring you back into the here and now. I will not intentionally trigger any past trauma.

    • It is important to the therapeutic process that you feel comfortable in sharing what you want to share about your story, and know that you can choose not to share any details that you are not ready to share. Difficult experiences can be hard to share with others, and it may have taken you some time to decide to do this. I will walk at your pace with care and compassion, and without judgement.

    • Confidentiality and trust are at the heart of the therapeutic relationship. This is very important to me, and I take it very seriously.

    • What you tell me in therapy will be treated as confidential. However, before you begin therapy it is important that you understand that confidentiality is not absolute, and there are legal permissions and requirements under which confidentiality may be broken. These apply to every therapist in the UK. I will talk you through this before you start therapy.

    • If I think that I will need to break confidentiality I will discuss this with you, and ask for your consent - unless there is a good reason why I cannot not do this e.g. under advice from an outside professional because of an increased risk of harm.

  • My working hours are 11am - 7pm, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 10am - 5pm on Fridays.

  • My fees are £60 per session for face to face therapy in Morpeth, and for online therapy.

    Due to higher room rental costs, my fees for my Darras Hall Practice are £70 per session for face to face therapy.

Have a question that wasn’t answered here? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch or email me hello@peteaskewtherapy.com

Are you ready to start your therapy journey together?