Counselling Northumberland & Newcastle

Therapy tailored to your individual needs

Hello. I’m sorry that you are in a place where you need to look for help. I know this can feel scary, painful, or disorientating. Perhaps you feel as though you are ‘at the edge of yourself’, with not much more to give, and wondering how you are going to hold it together. Maybe you’ve been feeling like this for some time.

Loneliness in Northumberland

You may have been doing your best to appear to others as though nothing is wrong, while inside you feel like you’ve walked off the map into a wilderness of confusing feelings of sadness, fear, anger, shame, or guilt, and you can’t seem to find a way out.

Northumberland path

Your inner wilderness may have been life-long, leaving you feeling like an ‘alien’ in the world without really knowing why, and full of questions about meaning and purpose, or perhaps an experience of bereavement, broken relationship, burn out, loss, illness, discrimination, or abuse, has brought you to this place.

Therapy has shown that with the brokenness of life also comes the possibility for insight, hope, and change. As a therapist, I believe that you already have your own inner wisdom to access these things, my role is to help you reconnect with it.

The fact that you are looking for a therapist now suggests that you believe that healing and change are possible, and that it is time to address whatever is burdening you.

  • “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

    Maya Angelou

Northumberland countryside
Pete Askew, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor based in Newcastle and Northumberland


Psychotherapeutic Counsellor

I am a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, trained by the Northern Guild in Newcastle, and professionally registered as a therapist with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. I have over twenty years’ experience in the helping professions, including work within charitable, spiritual, and NHS contexts, and have journeyed with people from a wide range of backgrounds and life situations.

I believe that everyone has the potential for change, and using an Integrative Person Centred approach, I will draw on techniques from Transactional Analysis, Gestalt, and Existential therapies to help you with your problems. These include: talking therapy, guided imagery, dream work, empty chair work, and mindfulness and creative exercises.

Helping you to find insight and growth by providing a safe space and empowering therapeutic approach to enable you to trust your own inner wisdom for change.

  • Registered Member BACP, registration number 406312

  • Commitment to BACP's ethical guidelines

  • Commitment to BACP's requirements for clinical supervision

  • Commitment to my own growth through ongoing personal therapy

  • Current enhanced DBS


Therapist and client face to face during therapy in Morpeth

Face to face therapy in Morpeth, Northumberland

Experience an authentic, empathetic and non-judgemental approach to therapy, in a safe and honest space. One on one therapy in my therapy room in Morpeth.

Online therapy via zoom with Pete Askew

online therapy via Zoom

Access the same safe, honest and insightful support, virtually. One on one Zoom sessions with me.